About trainings


    The Bureau on ICT for Education acting under the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic is responsible for registering the schools in Azerbaijan.  If your school is selected, you will be given access to the eTwinning Desktop, where you can find eTwinning schools and teachers who are available for an eTwinning Plus partnership. PSA organizes training for the new registered eTwiners. Trainings are done by the ambassadors. Training courses last for 2 days, 4 hours in a day. There are 10-15 participants in each training group. At the end of each training, participants are given "eTwinning training brochure" where training materials are explained step by step.

Training courses are held in 5 centers. For participation in such kind of training please register through link according the center you choose: 

  1. Baku European Lyceum -  https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSesfiEbOznOB-bz43…/viewform 
  2. Baku, school #220 - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3ZYGNHB 
  3. Baku, school # 50 - https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSeXxooKIhimknan5…/viewform… 
  4. Sumgayit, Tafakkur lyceum - https://ru.surveymonkey.com/r/9D76PFG 
  5. Ismayilli, school #1 -  https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSeLGrNNbXtSMOLgUT…/viewform